Perhaps I can write this in little thought-bites, in a way that fits the subject: at times of crisis things can move very fast we realise how much we operate out of habit how difficult it is not to how difficult it is when our underlying perceptions are challenged our whole perception of who we are can start to break down we need something stable to hang on to, finding a sense of ourselves apart from the changing conditions this can be something we do no matter what happens keeping something conscious going filling the gaps with the simple prayer we must not think we ‘should not be attached’ but ask ourselves where to find a refuge we must not think ‘suffering is our own fault’ but work with what we can change in ourselves keeping calm the heart response is most important not just trying to be clever with something but trying to find a perception that fits is often a matter of words not making too much or too little looking for balance between the extremes and we must keep asking, what do we really need? I offer this for your reflection Ajahn Kalyāno Comments are closed.