Mr. Façade was a peculiar bloke Inside he was just made of smoke Rising from the raging fire Of his designer desire His never ending task Was to hang on to his mask Poor Mr. Façade One day, going for his designer stroll He met Mr. Giving, who in contrast to him, had perfect self-control Mr. Façade was intrigued. ‘I don’t wish to take your time,’ said Mr. Façade ‘You cannot take my time I am offering it to you,’ said Mr. Giving and, little did he know, but all would be well for Mr. Giving was as clear as a bell “little Miss Triangle can balance on the sun just for fun on Thursdays in the magic mind” said Mr. Giving “and if the mind turns nasty like an abstract cat the mouse can escape without the aid of a single fact just by being real, naked to the world, and not just a silly act” “Really, naked?” asked Mr. Façade ('the messy body of the maybe baby feeling very silly looking down at that funny little willy?' thought Mr. Façade 'am I going a bit crazy here?' wondered Mr. Façade) “No, to just be as real as how you feel that is being naked to the world and it is a return to the wonder of the baby here is no need to be the body there are symbols where mind and matter meet there are stone circles marking the mysteries of the past there are monuments made of poems and prayers so that the truth will last” said Mr. Giving Mr. Giving was happy to see that Mr. Façade was smiling, pleasantly mystified. This would be the beginning of a long and faithful friendship on the path to truth. she wanted all the suffering to cease and for there to be eternal love and peace but the earth was sick and old and there was trouble everywhere on the ground, in the sea and even in the air it seemed it was all just ready to burn and she knew not where to turn reaching out she prayed she knew not why placing her hand against the sky her fingers opened wide of course she could not hold the sky but she found the sky held her all the way inside Father Sun and Mother Sky had a child within her heart that opened like a flower and there she found love and peace and also strength and power |