Why is it that we feel so good when we go out into nature? There is more to nature than relaxation, than fresh air and exercise, more even than the beauty, isn’t there? We feel somehow at home, don’t we? How so? This is because our bodies are part of nature too. We realise this if we see that the more we are aware of the body the more we feel at one with nature. If we meditate, watching the breath coming in and out, it can seem to be like the breeze and suddenly we can feel part of something bigger. We can also discover that when we do this that our worries, even at a time of crisis, begin to fade. This is the case even when it is our bodies or our health that we may be anxious about with this virus around – in fact it is especially the case at such a time. Somewhere very deep down we can intuitively be accepting our situation as human beings, our place and finding an inner peace. Then, returning home, if we can stay with the body, this peace will remain with us. We will feel calm and centred and prepared for whatever may come. Maybe deep down you knew all this already, that’s why you headed for the forest whenever you could. But did you realise the importance of being aware of the body in finding the peace you were looking for? And did you realise how deep it could go? This is part 1 of the "Nature Series". 1. A walk in nature 2. Finding our place in nature 3. Hello nature 4. Our goodbye nature 5. It's never too late to love the world 6. True love for the world Comments are closed.