The rocks whisper the rocks whisper a way the trees forget over growing for the sun is pleasing and their masters are lost the forest is empty there was another life in the master’s way the trees know not here in the wilderness the trees are lonely and dream of the garden (for a garden they would be tended by loving hands their roots growing deeper the sun slanting under their boughs to warm their feet) yet the trees know not their loneliness or their dreams they are the silence that shall receive the work of the word and hold the meaning but first there must be a new path they must beckon with their humble silence the hearts of man men shall come there is solace in the silence for they are part of nature they too have forgotten and would remember they have lost their home and would return so that death has nowhere else to take them they will serve the garden which will teach them in turn beauty and transience of life they shall learn born will be the garden of the soul and mankind will have found in truth a far greater whole where death shall have no dominion Comments are closed.