It seems that the use of the drug DMT is on the rise amongst people seeking spiritual experiences just like LSD was in the 1960s and 70s. However, because of the way it acts on the nervous system new claims are being made with regards DMT as to the nature of the drug experience. It is claimed that DMT removes filters that normally exist to real phenomena, rather than fabricating an experience. There are several facts that seem to go against this view. Firstly you can have a good or bad trip on DMT just the same as on acid, in fact all kinds of things can be experienced by different individuals. Secondly there is no evidence to show that people tripping on DMT together in the same place ever see the same visions. (Perhaps it is the case that a lack of such objective reality in any such ‘spiritual’ experience is being assumed.) Thirdly a person’s perception of reality is altered by DMT, it is not just that new realms of experience are added.
So overall DMT seems to be a very similar drug to LSD only more powerful by all accounts. Short term it may induce ‘high serotonin syndrome’, the symptoms of which are: • Confusion. • Agitation or restlessness. • Dilated pupils. • Headache. • Changes in blood pressure and/or temperature. • Nausea and/or vomiting. • Diarrhoea. • Rapid heart rate. There is little evidence available on long-term effects of DMT but these may be assumed to be similar to LSD and involve the exacerbation of any underlying mental illness, and deluding effects such as ‘depersonalisation’ or ‘denormalisation’. I offer this for your reflection Ajahn Kalyāno Comments are closed.