Perception is a pre-conscious process that assigns value. The art of contemplation is intended to either calm or challenge our normal perceptions of the world, to get us beyond the pre-conscious habit. We can use photography towards this aim in a number of ways. One way that I have developed for myself is the use of collage. We can then experiment with our perceptions:
In all these ways we can create news meanings from things, a meaning of a more abstract nature and therefore freer of conceptual thought. Then, if we are looking with the right intention, we will quieten the mind. We can finally put a number of collages together in a sequence according to colour and texture rather than subject matter to make a different kind of connection between objects. The gallery below presents some collages of my own. You may find these work for you in the ways I have described or perhaps they will inspire you to create your own. I found the exercise particularly useful to transform my perception of objects I saw or used very regularly to bring the mundane back to life. Comments are closed.